We are soliciting your support for this effort. Your support will help keep this museum active. We are making a special appeal to persons attending JSR High School and/or SPC. If you are unable to attend, please support this effort with a donation by contacting Mr. James Grimstead at 434-848-3800. Thank you!
—Bishop John Ghee
The James Solomon Russell / Saint Paul’s College Museum and Archives will host it’s Annual James Solomon Russell Day on March 29, 2025, at Virginia State University – The Gateway Center, 2804 Martin Luther King Drive, Petersburg, VA 23806. The event will be from 5 pm to 7 pm.
As part of this year’s dinner, Ann E. Lamb, Jeanette Lee, Dora Wynn, and Bishop John L. Ghee will be inducted into the museum’s “Wall of Fame.” Also, Jugurtha Byrd will receive a Distinguished Service Award.
The museum is making available 2 free tickets to each RZUA church for this special event. Please provide the names for these tickets to Mr. James Grimstead by WEDNESDAY, March 19, 2025, at 434-848-3800.
Additionally, tickets can be purchased for $25.00 each through this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/james-solomon-russell-day-dinner-2025-tickets-1203265923769?aff=oddtdtcreator

Short’s Chapel RZUA will be celebrating its 123rd church anniversary at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 23, 2025, with the Rev. Carnel Bagley as guest speaker. All are welcome to join in this meaningful celebration of God’s ongoing work at Short’s Chapel.

RZUA (Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Churches of America) is a Methodist Christian denomination with a predominantly African American membership. RZUA’s thirty-four congregations, seeking to empower others to walk more faithfully in the loving and liberating ways of Christ, are mostly in the South Hill and Tidewater areas of Virginia.
RZUA, founded in 1869 in Boydton, Virginia, was originally known as the Zion Union Apostolic Church. After a reorganization in 1882, we became the Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Church.
If you live anywhere in our area, we invite you to visit one of our churches so that together we might join in ministering in Christ’s name to a hurting world.
For an overview of upcoming RZUA events, click here.
To view recent photos, click here.
To learn about the Biblical Studies courses that RZUA is offering, click here.
To prepare for a time of fasting, click here.
To read the latest posts in “The Bishop’s Corner,” click here.

A sampling of recent photographs…