Greeting, Pastors and RZUA Families and Friends:
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV).
The biblical text quoted above calls upon us not just to read over that which guides us in our covenant relationship with God and this body of Christ that we fondly call the Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Church but also to study, to ponder, to seek to understand and receive the divine revelation that comes through it by seeking the will of God for us that is communicated to us through that process.
Through studying, we gain the wisdom and understanding mentioned in Proverbs 4:7.
We embarked anew on this process the first Sunday in November 2023 with a brief study of the books of the Old Testament. We continued in December with the books of the New Testament. And on the first Sunday of January 2024, we plunged in the Mission Statement of the RZUA Church (our reason for being). We are continuing on the first Sunday of February, reflecting further on the Mission Statement.
All of this information is given to you in hopes that it will encourage you to seek to know God more intimately, to understand our practice more fully, to commit to God’s call more sincerely, to submit to Him more intentionally, and to surrender to His will more completely.
The time has come — and now is — to live that which identifies us as those we diligently seek to be. What are we seeking to be? We are seeking to be the children of the Most High God.
This requires time familiarizing ourselves with the biblical text, our General Rules and Discipline, and the instructions of those in authority over us. It is important that we study on our own and that we also be in fellowship and discussion with others around us who are part of this body.
Let us learn together and move forward in a spirit of unity, glorifying God as we go!
With love and peace,
Bishop Ghee