Greetings RZUA Church Family:
We are keenly aware that we were spared some of the direct destruction caused by the recent hurricanes.
However, there are those who were not so fortunate.
Many homes and other properties were lost and some persons also lost their lives. We pray for the comfort of those families who lost loved ones.
We here at the RZUA Headquarters are gathering support for those who survived and are in need of assistance.
Call Bishop Ghee at (434) 321-3839 to arrange for your delivery time at the HQ. We will receive donations of clothing, non-perishable food items, water, hygiene products, baby supplies, and pet supplies. These will be delivered to the Community Memorial Hospital Care Building in South Hill.
Financial donations are also welcome. These should be in the form of checks made out to: South Hill Rescue, Inc. On the check’s memo (or “For”) line, write: SSRS / DISASTER RELIEF.
The deadline for all items to be delivered to RZUA HQ is October 29, 2024, at 12 noon.
Thank you for your support of this effort. Every donation is appreciated and will make a difference.
Blessings and peace,
Bishop John L. Ghee