Report on the Recent Damage

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

As many of you know, our Fellowship Hall sustained significant damage. While this has been a challenging time, it also presents us with an opportunity to come together and rebuild a space that is vital to our communal life.

Our Fellowship Hall is not just a building; it is a place where we gather in worship, share meals, and strengthen our bonds as a congregation. It pleases me to inform you that while the fellowship hall is under repair, the Sanctuary is not affected. We will continue to have worship services in the Sanctuary. 

I am pleased to report that we have already begun the process of assessing the damage and planning the necessary repairs. Our goal is to restore this cherished space as soon as possible, ensuring that it continues to serve as a welcoming and vibrant center for our activities. Your prayers and encouragement are invaluable as we navigate this process.

Thank you for your unwavering faith, generosity, and commitment to our church and community. Together, we will overcome this challenge and emerge stronger, with a renewed sense of purpose and unity.

In Christ’s peace and love,

Bishop John L. Ghee