Explore our mission and calling as people of God…

Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and with the discipline of the Holy Spirit, the Reformed Zion Union Apostolic (RZUA) Church exists…
- for the maintenance of Christian worship,
- for the conversion of sinners and the world,
- for fellowship and discipline,
- for the nurture and building up in faith of believers, and
- for witnessing so that societal structures may become just in order that the personhood of all people may be more fully realized in according to the image of God in human beings.
We exist in and for the world. At the local church level, believers move from formal worship of God into the world, where worship is witnessing through service to other human beings.

The local church is a connectional society of persons who have…
- professed faith in Jesus the Christ as Savior and Lord,
- been baptized, and
- assumed vows of membership in the RZUA Church, pledging to support the church with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service.
The local church is an assembly of believers who meet for worship in response to the Word of God and go out into the world as witnesses about God.

The Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Churches of America is fully committed to addressing the spiritual needs of those seeking a right relationship with God.
A right relationship with God extends beyond attending worship events. Being without it can prevent true hope, peace, love, and joy from being fully realized.
It is important that one has a right relationship with God, so…
- that your walk will be upright before Him and in keeping with His will for your life,
- that your will may submit to His will,
- that your life will be a living testimony to the goodness and presence of God, and
- that you may be empowered and equipped to help others to see the need to be in a right relationship with God, and so that you might help them get there too.

To carry out RZUA’s values and our mission of providing spiritual nurture and edification, we will strive to be culturally relevant and temporal, yet biblically based in our approach to ministry in keeping with the “Great Commission,” as set forth in Matthew 28:19–20.

To ensure meaningful access to spiritual nurture and edification for those who truly desire it, we of the RZUA Church pledge to provide, as far as possible…
- formation of and access to spiritual knowledge, presented by qualified religious leaders,
- ready access to ministry through the gifts and graces of members of our clergy, and
- worship and educational opportunities based on doctrinally sound, theological principles, as set forth in the Gospel.

We pledge, through God’s grace, to make every effort to provide…
- opportunities for corporate worship, praise, learning, and prayer,
- Christian education that acknowledges the existence of cultural and religious pluralism,
- compassionate ministry and “pastoral care,” whether in the sanctuary or through visitation in other settings, away from the sanctuary,
- thoughtful expounding upon the Holy Scriptures and effective teaching of their contents and essence,
- training for those who wish to serve in this work for the Lord, and
- opportunities for everyone to support the Church with their prayers, presence, gifts, and services.
Note: In keeping with a decision made in October 2022 at the RZUA General Conference, “The General Rules and Discipline of the Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Church” is currently being edited and revised. The updated version will be available once the work is completed.